Frequently Asked Questions
Join Us at Our Next Convention
Convention FAQs
UCTE’s National Triennial Convention acts as the supreme governing body of UCTE. It deals with resolutions and matters brought before it and establishes the general policies of the organization. During Convention, delegates vote on resolutions and elect all regional vice-presidents as well as UCTE delegates to the next PSAC Convention. The National President, National Vice-President, Alternate National Vice-President and the National Human Rights Officer are also determined during Convention.
This year’s convention will be held in-person at the Doubletree by Hilton Montréal, located at 1255 Jeanne Mance St., Montréal, Québec.
July 23 to 26, 2023.
Representation at the convention is in accordance with By-Law 9, Sections 9, 12, 16 and 18.
Locals shall elect from amongst its members at a general meeting one accredited delegate for each 150 members or portion thereof.
Representation at National Convention is based on the number of members in good standing as of March 31st, 2020. Each local will be advised of their estimated delegate entitlement by the National Office by December 15, 2022.
Reminder that By-law 18 states that “No delegate and/or alternate shall be nominated who has not attended at least 50% of the Local meetings during the period from the preceding Triennial Convention, unless satisfactory reason is given for non-attendance…”
Alternate delegates
Locals should elect two alternate delegates for each accredited delegate if they can’t attend Convention.
Locals can send observers to Convention at its own cost. Observers shall have the right to observe the proceedings, but they shall not have the right to vote nor to participate in debate.
Delegates: All expenses are borne by the UCTE. This includes transportation, hotel accommodation, loss of wages and other authorized expenses.
Observers: All expenses are the Local’s responsibility and will include a registration fee.
Once the convention call is sent, Locals need to submit the name of the Local’s accredited Delegates, Alternate(s) and Observer(s), along with the minutes of the meeting when the elections took place, to the National President. This notification will take the form of registration online or by completing the appropriate registration form.
Should your previously elected delegates, alternate(s) and observer(s) decide not to attend they will need to inform both the local and the National office in writing (email is acceptable). Please submit the member’s written withdrawal to:
The deadline to register was January 31, 2023.
Locals will not be able to register any delegates or alternate(s) after January 31, 2023.
Should there be an exceptional circumstance, this information would need to be communicated to your regional vice-president for a decision by the National Executive as to whether to accept the registration.
Once you complete your online registration, you will receive a confirmation receipt. This signifies that UCTE National Office has received your registration.
Once your registration has been verified, you will receive a confirmation of your capacity to participate in Convention.
May 2023
Hotel Reservation: UCTE works directly with the hotel. All delegates changes should be directed to the National Office at Please do not contact the hotel directly.
Travel Arrangements: UCTE will be providing all delegates with the name of the travel agency who will be booking travel arrangements for Convention. You will make your travel arrangements with this company. As mentioned above, details for travel will be sent in May 2023.
Yes, at your own cost. If this is the case, UCTE National Office needs to be notified at:
If you intend to stay extra nights at the Doubletree by Hilton Montreal prior to, and/or after, the convention dates, the UCTE National Office needs to update our rooming list and notify the Hotel.
If you chose to stay at a different hotel for the extra nights, you are required to make your own arrangements for those extra nights.
However, in both cases, the National Office will need to be notified so we can advise the Travel Agency of the changes in your travel days.
Delegates will receive an advance. This will be done in one of two ways:
- Onsite: An advance cheque will be available to you upon registration.
- E-transfer: By choosing this option when you register and include the appropriate personal email address that is linked with your bank account. Note the following:
- If your email box is full, you cannot receive the advance until you make space.
- UCTE will not transfer funds to a work email account.
- The e-transfer advance will be sent a day or two prior to the start of convention.
Committees FAQs
Five (5) committees are formed for Convention:
- Bylaws (all resolutions related to UCTE Bylaws and Regulations)
- Finance (the organizational budget for the next 3-year term as well as any financial resolutions)
- General (all other resolutions such as policies, PSAC Constitution, Collective Bargaining, NJC, etc.)
- Credentials (provides the count of eligible voters twice per day)
- Nominations (responsible for the nominations and elections process)
The Credentials and Nominations Committees are only active during the days of Convention.
The Bylaws, Finance and General Convention Committees will meet in-person during the week of May 15th, 2023, in Ottawa, Ontario.
The Credentials and Nominations Committees will meet in-person in Montreal, Quebec on Saturday, July 22, 2023.
If you are interested in taking part in a Convention Committee, please contact your regional vice-president (RVP).
Resolutions FAQs
January 24, 2023
In accordance with UCTE Bylaw 9 sections 20 and 22, resolutions submitted after the above-mentioned deadline will either be considered supplementary or emergency.
Supplementary resolutions will be dealt with at convention after all other resolutions have been voted on, and if time permits.
For a resolution to be considered an emergency resolution, it must be related to an occurrence that took place after the submission deadline and be a matter of national importance. These resolutions are presented to the floor of the Triennial Convention but can’t be dealt with until it is accepted by a majority of the Convention delegates.
Resolutions adopted at Local meetings can be brought to UCTE’s National Convention. They can be submitted using traditional or plain language. A form that you can use to submit your resolution will be sent to all locals and available on the UCTE Convention website.
To help you write your resolutions, please download and follow this guide.
Join Us at the Next UCTE Convention
UCTE’s National Triennial Convention acts as the supreme governing body of UCTE. It deals with resolutions and matters brought before it and establishes the general policies of the organization. During Convention, delegates vote on resolutions and elect all regional vice-presidents as well as UCTE delegates to the next PSAC Convention. The National President, National Vice-President, Alternate National Vice-President and the National Human Rights Officer are also determined during Convention.