Nominations & Campaigning
Nomination Form and Additional Information
Delegate Contact Information
Those running for office have the right to ask for delegate contact information. Delegates who do not wish to have their contact information shared with candidates must advise the national office by email at as soon as possible.
Interpretation for Declared Candidates Visiting Regional Caucuses
Those running for office sometimes need interpretation services to campaign within different regional caucuses. It is important to note that interpreters have limits on how many hours per day they can work. To ensure that both members and the interpreter’s needs are met, candidates are asked to advise the national office staff at if they require interpretation and for which caucus by July 7, 2023. The national office cannot guarantee that interpretation services will be available for late requests.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the UCTE National Office at Nomination forms can be submitted to the National Office before the convention or on-site.
Join Us at the Next UCTE Convention
UCTE’s National Triennial Convention acts as the supreme governing body of UCTE. It deals with resolutions and matters brought before it and establishes the general policies of the organization. During Convention, delegates vote on resolutions and elect all regional vice-presidents as well as UCTE delegates to the next PSAC Convention. The National President, National Vice-President, Alternate National Vice-President and the National Human Rights Officer are also determined during Convention.