Mike Wing Charity Golf Tournament

The annual Mike Wing Charity Golf Tournament benefits Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind

2024 Tournament

The 2024 tournament enabled a donation of $7000.

Congratulations to the winning foursomes entered by Jeff Whitekker and Brian Wing!

The Meadows Golf and Country Club is booked for next year’s tournament in May 2025.

Details and registration will be published at this page.

Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind

Wing, ‘Best Boy of All’

Dr. Suzanne Wright travels the world with Wing. Her testimonial to the part he plays in her life is powerful. “Give me a Braille map or a Google map and we can navigate any city. Wing can find help, a restaurant, a grocery store, a hospital, a place to sit . . . he‘s a part of everything I do and we are fiercely independent.”

Because of Wing and his co-workers, CGDB has been UCTE’s charity of choice since the tournament began in 2003.

Wing, ‘Best Boy of All’