Transport Canada & CTA Resources

Long freight train moving along Bow River in Canadian Rockies.

Transportation in Canada

Enhancing Confidence in Transportation Safety

The Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) is the national union for rail, aviation, marine and road safety inspectors. All our inspector members are Transport Canada and Transportation Safety Board employees.

Inspectors are highly specialized and highly skilled professionals – in short, the experts in their fields. Over the last few years, we have seen changes implemented that have caused our experts great concerns. As a result, UCTE brings a distinct and important perspective to the federal government as it reforms transportation safety in Canada.

Transport Canada Marine Safety: Domestic Vessel Regulatory Oversight November 17, 2010
Presentation to SCOTIC on Bill C-33, Railway Safety Acts Amendments February 17, 2011
A Concerned Inspectorate: Recommendations for Reforms to Canada’s Transportation Safety Regime
Transportation Safety Management Systems – Still not right
Analysis of the CTA Review: Implications for UCTE June 6, 2016
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