Grievance Handling
Useful Information, Writing Tips, and Forms
General information about how best to prepare grievances. We strongly recommend that members use and consult this section regularly for up-to-date grievance handling information.
Steward Fact Sheet
Grievance Writing Tips
- Avoid detailed explanation
- Mention the collective agreement article and add “and any relevant article”
- Provide a clear and concise statement of the problem
- Begin corrective action with “Redress in full, including but not limited to…” or “To be made whole”
- When drafting the corrective action, consider when the final decision may be rendered
- For example, on a termination grievance, one would ask for reinstatement from the date of termination with no loss of pay and benefits…
Sample Grievance Wording
- “I grieve the 15-day suspension received on May 15, 2013.”‘
- “That the suspension be rescinded; that I suffer no loss of pay and benefits for this period; that any and all documentation related to this suspension be removed from my personnel file and any other employer file and be destroyed in my presence and/or that of my Union representative; to be made whole.”
- “The employer is refusing to reimburse my mileage premium to and from my place of residence and workplace contrary to article XX or any other relevant article of my collective agreement. This violation occured on May 15, 2013.”
- “That my employer reimburse my mileage premium incurred on May 15, 2013; that I suffer no prejudice from the filing of this grievance; to be made whole.”
Information to Collect
Collect the following information:
WHO is involved?
- The member’s full name, workplace, branch, division, section, unit, title and job classification
- Name and title of immediate supervisor and anyone else involved
WHAT happened?
- Withholding of leave?
- Denial of overtime?
- Complete and current work description not provided?
- A Classification issue?
- Disciplinary action?
WHEN did it occur?
- Include times and dates
WHERE did it occur?
- Give the exact location or locations if events occurred in different place.
- Give the distance between locations, if it has a bearing on the issue
WHY should a grievance be filed?
- Has there been a violation of the collective agreement?
- Was a disciplinary penalty imposed?
- Has there been a violation of an act?
- How can the injustice be corrected?
- How to place the aggrieved member in the same position in which this person would have been had the violation not occurred?
- Ask for redress in full, to be made whole
- Go back to your file and double-check:
- Has the problem been correctly identified?
- Has the case been assessed and arguments developed for the grievance presentation?
- Have all the documents to support the case been obtained?
- Are all the statements signed and witnessed?
- Is the Steward Fact Sheet completed?
- Are all notes legible, signed and dated?
- Are all copies of the grievance and transmittal forms legible?
- When does the file need to be forwarded to the Union representative at the next level?