Timmins Airport on Strike
The Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE), a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), has issued a 72-hour strike notice for its members who work at the Timmins Victor M. Power Airport. As of Monday March 4, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. members will walk off the job and form a picket line at the airport.
“The Mayor does not seem willing to help negotiate a fair contract, forcing us to take job action to have him recognize the value of these workers who are vital for the safe operations of the airport,” says Sharon Desousa, PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President for Ontario.
Despite the Mayor’s claims that these operations are not needed, a letter was sent from the City of Timmins’ Director of Corporate Services, Rock Foy, to the Honourable Patricia Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour on February 28, 2019, which stated:
“By our assessment, a strike or lockout involving the PSAC bargaining unit at the Timmins Victor M. Power Airport would result in an immediate and serious danger to the safety and health of the public.”
Given that March break is approaching and many families will be looking to access the airport, we are advising the public of this immediate issue and are asking their support by contacting the Mayor, George Pirie at 705-360-2611 (mayor@timmins.ca) to voice their concerns.
“These workers are specialists in what they do to keep the travelling public safe,” said Martin Mika, UCTE Ontario Regional Vice-President. “They want to get back to the negotiating table so that they can focus on their work.”
This strike can still be avoided if the mayor and his negotiator come back to the table and are willing to work to establish a fair agreement. It is now up to the city to fix this issue for the public.
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact:
Lira Buschman, UCTE Communications & Special Projects Officer at 613-558-4003 (buschml@psac-afpc.com)