For Greta Thunberg, for us and for our planet
If you have not heard, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has picked her fight. She decided to cross the Atlantic from Plymouth, England on August 14th on board Malaysia II to New York City in the United States. Why? She wanted to be at the United Nation’s world summit chaired by Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Why? To fight against global warming.
Greta also created a “#Fridays for future” movement. This demonstration, led by students but inclusive of everyone, has events against global warming and other social justice every Friday.
Between September 20th and 27th there are targeted activities planned around the world to demonstrate against the effects of climate change. For example, more than 300,000 children, parents and others gathered in several Australian cities – this is more than double the number that would be in March at similar gatherings. 5,000 events are expected around the globe.
On Friday, September 27, during the UN General Assembly, there will be another coordinated global strike. The highlight of this day is a demonstration in New York City where 1.1 million students from 1800 public schools are expected to strike. What is great is that these students have the support of their families and their schools.
Global warming is not a problem that only affects young people. You can do your part. UCTE encourages you to participate whether it is at a lunch time activity or taking the whole day off to engage in local events with your family.
“It’s our future that’s at stake,” said 16-year-old Will Connor from Sydney, Australia.
To find a strike near you (word): https://globalclimatestrike.net/
Or in Canada : https://climatestrikecanada.org/september?fbclid=IwAR1TsIn2uKdeIWZyJKF2nC-o3AsJNH_TpPCaEixKWWKqPrAeSwjZ9dVq_C0