We walked. We shouted. Today we walked for mother nature; our planet. We were proud to see how many people were there to strike. Just to let you know, they stopped the traffic for more than an hour in the downtown core. Parliament Hill and surrounding street were filled with young people, parents, grandparents who took the time today to say that we need to take care of our planet. There is no PLANet B.
Thunberg was in Montreal Friday morning to launch the city’s climate strike protest, where nearly 300,000 people are expected to attend.
Here are some moments we captured:
To take place September 26-28, 2025 in Toronto, the conference has the theme “Health and Safety for You, Your Work and Our Planet”.Forms to register and to submit resolutions are online at Registration open: 2025 PSAC National Health and Safety Conference | Public Service...
Our membership includes cancer survivors, and sadly our members have lost co-workers to cancer.We’re observing Firefighters’ Cancer Awareness Month in Canada for the second time.A national framework on cancers linked to firefighting was announced in October 2024, following through in...
UCTE represents airport firefighters at several Canadian airports. Union activism is a good vehicle for improving equity and inclusion in the workplace. This two-part series looks at the issues dealt with by two of our female firefighter members as they...