- wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, or use hand sanitizer (i.e. an alcohol-based hand-rub);
- cough and sneeze in your arm or sleeve, not your hand;
- keep common surfaces and items clean;
- seek medical care if you have flu-like symptoms; and
- check Public Health website for more information.

COVID-19 – Information and guidance for employees in Canada
UCTE has been monitoring the evolving coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) situation closely. We have noticed that many of our employers have provided some information and guidance to employees. As many UCTE members work in or have close contact with the transportation and energy sectors you should pay close attention to this guidance and follow all recommended precautions.
At the present time the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is advising that the public health risk associated with this virus for Canada is low. They also recommend however, that individuals take the following steps to help reduce the risk of infection or spreading the infection to other:
We encourage UCTE members to practice the preventive measures recommended by PHAC: