National Public Service Week 2020
As members of the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees, many of you are the front-line workers during this Covid-19 Pandemic. Many of you have seen your roles of supporting and protecting the public change drastically in these past few months. The way you work has changed. But, as seen since the beginning of responsible government in 1849 to the establishment of one of Canada’s largest unions, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, in 1966, as public servants, you have always been there for Canadians – no matter what the crisis – and will continue to do so.
In these times of unrest and uncertainty, you have stepped up to the challenge, even despite the fact that your collective agreements have long expired. YOU are still here for Canadians. You deserve all the acknowledgement and recognition you deserve for a job well done!
This week, celebrate each other as co-workers who are continuing to show up on a daily basis to support all Canadians.