- 10 days of domestic violence leave, 5 of which are paid.
- LOU for a Pension Plan Study.
- Members entitlement to health and dental benefits at date of hire instead of the previous 90 days waiting period. Cost shared equally (50%) between employee and the company during the season and 100% by the employer during the off season.
- Employer monthly contribution of 5% of employee’s gross income to their RRSP or directly to them upon request.
- Wage increases: totalling a compounded wage increase of 7.69% over the life of the new agreement.
- All allowances now tied to the increased cost of living in the Northwest Territories
- 28 weeks of compassionate care leave without pay
- Updated Maternity Leave and Child Care Leave article
- Sick Leave accumulated at a rate of one (1) day per month where the employee has received at least 10 days of pay.
- Expanded definition of discrimination in the agreement under Human Rights
‘’It was a long process that began in August of 2020 with bargaining team meeting prior to meeting with the employer, but I am happy it culminated in a great deal for our members. It is a first Collective Agreement for these members under Offshore Recruiting Services Inc (ORSI) and we look forward to making improvements in future rounds. I would like to say thank you to the team that helped us achieve this Agreement, including negotiator Maxime Thibaut-Gingras, and before him Martin Rioux, team members Kaleb Milne and John Wiedemann. I would also like to recognize the Federal Mediation Conciliation Services (FMCS) mediators, Steve Samosinski, who sadly passed away prior to the deal being reached and Dan Shewchuk who helped us at the end. Special thank you to Paul Carolan, Regional Representative from the Yellowknife office for his help with the Ratification meeting and vote. Thanks to all.‘’ Said Mike Tennant, UCTE RVP Prairies and the North