Signed! Nav Canada members have a new collective agreement.
After a successful ratification vote, Nav Canada members have a new collective agreement.
Throughout the negotiations, the bargaining team remained focused on two goals: deny all concessions and obtain a fair economic increase. The tentative agreement lived up to those goals – and then some!
For starters, members will receive a 4% increase effective January 2018, a 3% increase effective January 2019, and 1% effective January 2020. This means that Nav Canada members will see their salary increase by a cumulative rate of 7.12% the minute we enter 2019.
The bargaining team also fought to maintain language on job security, which had been slated to expire on December 13, 2017. The Departure Incentive Program will continue to protect employees in the event that technological change renders their position redundant.
The new collective agreement also brings a number of improvements to hours of work and leave.
The team also fought for language on domestic violence leave; this will allow victims of domestic violence to obtain up to 37.5 hour of paid leave and an additional 5 days of unpaid leave to seek the help they need without putting their job in jeopardy.
UCTE would like to commend the bargaining team on its hard work. Our sincere thanks Michelle Webster, Sheri Campeau, Michelle Timmerman, Mike McCullough, Janson LaBond, Chris Bussey, and Larry Gagnon.