- STAY IN TOUCH: Stay close despite the distance. Loneliness has been our only companion since the beginning of the pandemic. It has been more difficult to keep in touch. We must find new ways to communicate in order to keep socially active.
- STRUCTURE YOUR DAY: At times, it may seem trivial to plan out the day, but this may help push you to set goals and move forward. You will then be more productive and will know the satisfaction of achievement.
- MEDITATE: For those of you who are constantly under stress at work or at home, setting aside electronic devices and other distractions and taking 15 minutes a day to listen to your breathing, can help you deal with the rest of the day’s demands.
- MOVE: Walking, cycling, yoga practice, or another physical activity can help your body release a lot of the stress that you may not be aware of.
- TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF: Whatever elements of your routine facilitate your well-being, employ them at least once a day, taking a moment for yourself.
[1] https://www.lecourrierdusud.ca/la-sante-mentale-aussi-importante-que-la-sante-physique/