Burnt by Phoenix? We can help.
It seems like one is immune from Phoenix’s fiery talons. Thousands of members have been financially and emotionally devastated; countless more are still waiting to get paid properly and accurately.
This situation is unacceptable; while UCTE and PSAC continue to work with Treasury Boards towards solutions that will make our members whole, our top priority remains making sure that members are getting paid.
If you are experiencing Phoenix pay problems, we encourage you to contact a member of your local executive. Each case is different, but your local union representatives may be able to help expedite your case, whether through formal or informal channels.
You can find out more information about your local leaders here. If you’re not sure how to reach your Local, please contact us.
Phoenix and dues
While Phoenix was wreaking havoc on our members’ lives, the system also prevented us from collecting dues accurately. As a result, thousands of members have overpaid or underpaid union dues.
As of November 2018, departments have started to look at these Phoenix errors; the correct dues amount should be reflected on your November 14, 2018 paycheque.
For more information on how your dues may be impacted because of Phoenix, click here.
For general questions, check out the FAQ section on the PSAC website.
If you have a specific question about your dues, please use the PSAC’s membership dues inquiries form.