NAV CANADA Bargaining: Conciliation begins November 14
PSAC and the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) applied for conciliation in October to encourage the employer to come back to the table with an improved mandate to reach a tentative agreement for members working at NAV CANADA.
Conciliation meetings will take place November 14 and 15.
Mr. Barney Dobbin has been assigned as the Conciliation Officer from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.
Our negotiating team has made progress on the majority of NAV CANADA bargaining demands with only one crucial issue outstanding: the economic package. This package includes monetary issues affecting our members’ wage scale, premiums, overtime, allowances, acting pay, hours of work, and retroactivity.
UCTE/PSAC is working to close the gap for its NAV CANADA members. The economic package it has presented to the employer reflects the same benefits and monetary increases that other unionized employees at NAV CANADA have already negotiated and enjoy.
We will not settle for less.
Our bargaining team thanks all NAV CANADA members for their continued support as we work to secure the fair and equitable collective agreement.