Negotiations are getting cold with GLPA – a bargaining update
To say that negotiations with the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (GLPA) are difficult is an understatement. The current collective agreement expired in 2016. 3 years later, negotiations are still ongoing, and it has not been easy. It is like watching dough rise.
On August 21, 2019, members attended a meeting at which they received an update regarding the conciliation process and the challenges the bargaining team has faced to get a fair agreement from this employer.
They discussed many of the claw backs that GLPA is seeking such as changing language in the collective agreement that will negatively impact their banked earnings for the off-season.
As of August 27th, the employer is in a position to lock out the members and we don’t know what will happen next. We do know that 100% of Local 00057 supports their bargaining team.