Phoenix updates
Unfortunately, the nightmare impacting federal public sector workers pay is not over and here is why.
The Phoenix pay system still cannot process transfers from one department into another department as well as retroactive pay because this process still requires manual work prior to being entered into Phoenix. The majority of those affected appear to be within the PA Group (Program and Administration Services) which is made up of more than 90,000 members.
We also know that some members are having difficulty printing from PeopleSoft (PeopleSoft is an e-business software product line owned by Oracle. PeopleSoft originally offered human resources and finance applications). This is causing members not to be able to keep copies of the information they entered as a back-up.
Phoenix feedback form is a form that can be used by everyone. This form is called Phoenix feedback form (pay issues or would like to report a problem with your pay including requesting an emergency salary advance, or accessing your pay information online). You do not require a signature from HR or anyone else to approve this form. These forms are managed by PWGSC and not by the Pay Centre.
What you can do
If you are someone who is experiencing difficulties with your salary, then here are a few options:
Problems with peoplesoft – if you cannot print, we suggest that you take screen shots of your files on a regular basis for your records.PSAC created a link to forms that can help you with pay issues, or would like to report a problem with your pay including requesting an emergency salary advance, or accessing your pay information online on the PSAC website here.
If you wanted to take other actions such as contacting your member of parliament, you can also visit their page.
This is a difficult time for many of our members. PSAC is continuing to find ways to provided assistance and force changes to the pay system.