Senate report on Phoenix praises PSAC members
The Senate National Finance Committee has made a number of recommendations in its recent report on Phoenix.
“The recommendations of the Senate Committee are not surprising. They reiterate what we already know: the government was negligent in the development and implementation of the new pay system – and hard-working federal public service workers paid the price,” said Chris Aylward, PSAC National President.
In The Phoenix Pay Problem: Working toward a solution, the Senate Committee recognizes the hard work of the Miramichi pay centre staff who they met with during their hearings. The report outlines staff input which influenced a number of the report’s recommendations. Among the recommendations, the report calls for the government to reassess the adequacy of training and staffing levels for compensation advisors and human resources staff.
The report reminds the government that the consequences of the Phoenix implementation are significant and ongoing and that the hardships imposed are unacceptable.
“We commend the patience of public servants, who continue to provide professional service despite anxieties over their pay. We also commend the hard work and dedication of the Public Service Pay Centre employees who are trying to resolve hundreds of thousands of pay problems as quickly as possible.”
The Committee voiced its dismay that Phoenix proceeded with minimal, independent oversight and that no one has accepted responsibility or been held to account for its failure.
“We wholeheartedly agree with the Senate Committee that employees must be placed at the heart of any solution to the Phoenix failure,” said Aylward. “The government must accept responsibility, compensate employees in the form of damages, and put a robust process in place that encourages employee engagement, feedback and collaboration and real consultation with their unions.”
PSAC has called for a national public enquiry so that the costly mistakes of Phoenix never happen again.