- 5 per cent in 2021: this represents a 3 per cent increase to match other unions and an additional 2 per cent to make up the gap for 2019, when our increases were lower than others
- 4.75 per cent in 2022: this represents an increase to ensure that we do not lose ground to inflation
- 3 per cent in 2023: this matches other unions’ agreements

UPDATE – NAV CANADA: employers’ wage offer
Treasury Board and the NAV CANADA bargaining team mainly discussed the employer’s wage offer during negotiations April 19-21. The employer’s offer of 0, 1, 2 and 2 per cent over a four-year agreement — averaging 1.25 per cent per year from 2021–2025 — is not just completely out of touch with soaring inflation across Canada, but is significantly less than what they agreed to with other unions.
PSAC have proposed a three-year deal with the following increases: