Update: St. John’s Airport Firefighters
The situation at St. John’s International Airport has been difficult for everyone involved – the employees and the community.
At the union’s request yesterday, the employer agreed to meet with a federal mediator in order to resolve the issues that have been negatively impacting the firefighters for several years now. Both parties met all day today and the union is willing to stay at the table as long as necessary to try and resolve the issues.
The issues that have resulted in the suspension of operations at the airport are not new. After a lengthy investigation, the allegations of bullying and other forms of harassment were founded. Instead of taking positive steps towards addressing the harm, the employer tried to do the bare minimum. In fact, the employer has yet to address the results of the investigation directly with the impacted firefighters.
By releasing its statement while mediation is ongoing, the airport is trying to lay blame for the problems at St. John’s International Airport on both the victims of harassment and the union whose role it is to fight for them. It is not taking responsibility for the years of abuse that it helped to perpetuate by its inaction.
Despite this attack, the union wants this issue to be resolved for all of its members and the community at large. We are not here to finger point or to scapegoat anyone. Our priority is to continue to work with the federal mediator towards a solution for as long as necessary.