Another Victory for UCTE Members and the travelling public in Canada
We are very pleased to report that as a result of intensive lobbying by UCTE members who work at airports and those who work as inspectors in civil aviation, the Government of Canada has recognized that the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) is not in step with international standards under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The news came in an email response from Treasury Board to UCTE National President Dave Clark in response to our submission to the Treasury Board Secretariat 2018 consultation on Regulatory Reviews. They have announced that as part of their modernizing efforts they are proposing amendments to CARs that will address the “non-alignment with ICAO standards”.
For many years UCTE members have argued that Canada has lagged behind ICAO standards in a number of areas including inspection as well as airport rescue and firefighting services. We have monitored the process through years of reviews and initiatives as well as by sitting on the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council along with industry and other stakeholders. Last year, UCTE gained official recognition by the federal government as a stakeholder with full rights to be consulted on any proposed regulatory changes and the ability to propose our own.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this process over years. This notification is a culmination of those many hours of work by our members and leadership. We celebrate your efforts and our success.
But this is just the beginning. We have opened the door and created the opportunity for positive change. Now we have to hold Transport Canada’s feet to the fire and ensure that the necessary amendments to comply with international standards are implemented.
To that end we will be working with UCTE members in ARFF and civil aviation inspection to review CARs and to make further recommendations for improvements to the regulator. Stay tuned for more information on this issue in the days and months ahead