James Bogusz – YQR Employees ARE the community too
Words are not always followed by action. James Bogusz, CEO of Regina Airport says that he believes in the community, that the airport plays a big role in the community and that the staff at the airport are there for the community. Unfortunately though he is not there for the airport staff. While he publicly thanks the staff at the airport for working tirelessly, for doing everything to help support the community of southern Saskatchewan, he refuses to support the people who have kept the airport running for all of these years.
We all know by now that the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is meant to help keep workers working. The Prime Minister stated it several times that he wished these funds to be used to keep laid-off workers working. Instead, Mr. Bogusz has chosen to lay off 19 airport workers instead of applying for the wage subsidy to help them out. He has decided that it is easier to put them on the street then to support them.
James, your workers are part of the community that has supported you. It is time you support the community by keeping people working just a little bit longer.